Estonit Specifications

size, thickness and Estonit packaging

Estonit Features

Technical information on Estonit

Advantages of Estonit

Comparing Estonit sheet with natural stone

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How do stonitis work?


Estonit, protector of terminable natural resources


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The Persian Productive Group

The Persian Productive Group, for the support of its experience and validity in the industry of interior decoration as the best producer of façade finish in Iran, has always been considered a popular and well known brand. Therefore, in line with the same sense of commitment, we decided to, along with specialty and experience, take the present-day technology of the world at our service and take a step beyond producing a product and present a new style in the building industry. An industry which today, more than any other time, has become the subject of designers’ and its performers’ perfectionist ideas and is pregnant with a brand-new style.
Estonit, derived from stone, implying both stone and marmarit (a type of shiny and glossy stone) has an old record in Iranian architectural history. Use of a type of marble and mirror-shaped on the walls of Tachar palace in Persepolis shows the interest of Iranians in the grandeur and luxury of stone. The mission of Estonit is to return the same grandeur and grace to Iranian homes.

Ali Saatchi

Hossain Saatchi

Humans are always inclined toward luxury and beauty; and such an inclination may be seen clearly in the selection of the type of arrangement and design of individual’s living environments. The experience of a unique, luxury space has always been gracious and is the demand of all our audiences.
The Persian Productive Group, for the support of its experience and validity in the industry of interior decoration as the best producer of façade finish in Iran, has always been considered a popular and well known brand. Therefore, in line with the same sense of commitment, we decided to, along with specialty and experience, take the present-day technology of the world at our service and take a step beyond producing a product and present a new style in the building industry. An industry which today, more than any other time, has become the subject of designers’ and its performers’ perfectionist ideas and is pregnant with a brand-new style.A glorious and splendid experience, derived from the history of a simple definition, it must be said that Estonit is not a product but a new style in the industry of building and interior design.

Unique features of Estonit

Nanotechnology capability
Diversity in the best designs of stone in the world
Existence of complete tools in coordination with Estonit designs
High pressure and impact strength
Fire inhibitor
Humidity and water proof
Sound insulation
Antibacterial and anti-bug
Easy cleaning

Advantages of Estonit compared to natural stone

Unlimited design and production dimensions
Good flexibility
Higher strength and compression than stone
Less wearing than stone over time and due to the elements
Reduced statistics of destruction and casualties caused by natural disasters
Less weight than stone and therefore making the building more lightweight
Easy and effortless mounting without need of professional tools
Far lower price than stone
Interminability compared to stone

Stonite Specification

ویدئو های استونیت Stonit(1).webm

Design By: Kanooneparseh & Taral